About Entities The original HTML-language does not allow special characters other than the usual ones in the English language. To write a Swedish å, ä or ö, to write accents of e and other characters or to insert symbols like $ and ©, there are so called entities. An entity begins with an ampersand and ends with a semicolon, and in between, there are usually the character that is enhanced followed by a few more letters that indicates how it would appear. For example, é means é. An entity can also be written using "&#" followed by the character value and finally a semicolon. The standard used to define entities is called ISO Latin-1. Today, many pages do have special characters anyway, since most browsers will understand them. If you're not using entities, you should include in the head-section of your page. Special Characters There are a few characters that must be coded in different ways since they are otherwise used to define HTML-code, unless they are used within a set of SAMP-tags. You may use quotes and amps in the text, but not in tags (such as the ALT-text of an IMG-tag). These letters are < #60 < > #62 > & #38 & > #62 > Also the non-breaking space entity is useful, since the browser normally won't care about multiple spaces, while multiple non-breaking spaces can be used as a simple way to add some horizontal space.   #160   Other Special Characters Some of these characters cannot be printed in Courier, which is used here, or in Times that is the standard www-font. If you need characters that doesn't appear correctly, make it as a picture instead. † #134 ‡ #135 ^ #136 ‰ #137 Sˇ #138 Œ #140 ™ #153 sˇ #154 œ #156 Ÿ #159 ¡ #161 ¢ #162 £ #163 € #164 ¥ #165 § #167 ¨ #168 © #169 © a #170 « #171 ¬ #172 – #173 ­ ® #174 ® — #175 ° #176 ± #177 2 #178 3 #179 ´ #180 µ #181 ¶ #182 · #183 , #184 1 #185 ˚ #186 » #187 1/4 #188 1/2 #189 3/4 #190 ¿ #191 À #192 À Á #193 Á  #194  à #195 Ã Ä #196 Ä Å #197 Å Æ #198 &Aelig; Ç #199 Ç È #200 È É #201 É Ê #202 Ê Ë #203 Ë Ì #204 Ì Í #205 Í Î #206 Î Ï #207 Ï -D #208 Ð Ñ #209 Ñ Ò #210 Ò Ó #211 Ó Ô #212 Ô Õ #213 Õ Ö #214 Ö x #215 Ø #216 Ø Ù #217 Ù Ú #218 Ú Û #219 Û Ü #220 Ü y´ #221 Ý l> #222 Þ ß #223 ß à #224 à á #225 á â #226 â ã #227 ã ä #228 ä å #229 å æ #230 æ ç #231 ç è #232 è é #233 é ê #234 è ë #235 ë ì #236 ì í #237 í î #238 î ï #239 ï ∂ #240 ð ñ #241 ñ ò #242 ò ó #243 ó ô #244 ô õ #245 õ ö #246 ö ÷ #247 ø #248 ø ù #249 ù ú #250 ú û #251 û ü #252 ü y´ #253 ý l> #254 þ ÿ #255 ÿ